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Managing instance commitments


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Instance commitments overview

Crusoe Cloud offers competitive on-demand pricing as well as instance commitment discounts for even lower pricing. Instance commitments offer discounts in exchange for sustained usage. If you know that you will be using a fixed amount of compute for a defined period of time, you can achieve discounts of up to 35% off our on-demand prices.

Creating instance commitments

Creating or updating a VM with an instance commitment


Note: VMs with instance commitments cannot be deleted until the commitment period has expired. VMs will be billed for the duration of the commitment.

Please reach out to Crusoe Cloud sales to setup instance commitments for new or existing VMs in your organization.

Behavior when an instance changes state

If a VM in an instance commitment is stopped, the VM is still billed as though it is running, as the underlying hardware is reserved for the VM to be started again. Learn more at VM billing.

Behavior when an instance commitment ends

At the end of the instance commitment period, the VM goes back to being billed on-demand. If you want to extend the commitment period, you may reach back out to Crusoe Cloud sales to create a new commitment for your VM.


Commitment period duration

Currently the only supported durations are: 6, 12, and 36 months.

Deleting an instance commitment

VMs with instance commitments cannot be deleted until the commitment period has expired. VMs will be billed for the duration of the commitment. You will be charged if the instance is running or stopped, as the instance remains reserved for your usage throughout the commitment period.

If there are issues with your commitment, or you wish to delete your VM, please contact support.


If you have issues with a pruchased instance commitment, or have other billing related questions, please contact support with additional details.