Managing organization users
User management
Crusoe Cloud lets you manage users, invite new users, change their roles, and remove users from your organization.
Viewing users
- UI
In order to view all users in your organization
- Visit the Crusoe Cloud console
- Click the "Organization" tab in the left nav
Inviting new users
- UI
In order to invite new users to your Crusoe Cloud organization:
- Visit the Crusoe Cloud console
- Click the "Organization" tab in the left nav
- Click the "Invite User" button
- Enter the email of the user you would like to invite
- Select the role you would like to assign to the invited user
- Click the "Invite" button
Changing user roles
- UI
In to change a user's role in your Crusoe Cloud organization:
- Visit the Crusoe Cloud console
- Click the "Organization" tab in the left nav
- Click the "Edit" pencil action on the line corresponding to the user whose role you would like to change
- Select the role you would like to assign to the user
- Click the "Update button"
Role overview
Crusoe Cloud offers the following user roles:
- Admin: User who has the ability to do anything on Crusoe Cloud, including invite users, change user permissions, and update billing.
- Editor: Developer user who has the ability to create, update, and delete all resources, but can't interact with users or billing.
- Reader: Developer user who has the ability to view all resources, but can't make any updates or create new users. Useful for auditing.
Removing users
- UI
In order to remove a user from your Crusoe Cloud organization:
- Visit the Crusoe Cloud console
- Click the "Settings" tab in the left nav
- Click the "Delete" trash can action on the line corresponding to the user you would like to remove from your organization
- Click "Delete" on the confirmation