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Managing your networks and subnets

Creating a new VPC network

Use the networking vpc-networks create command to create a new VPC network.

crusoe networking vpc-networks create \
--name my-new-vpc-network \

Viewing all VPC networks

Use the networking vpc-networks list command to list existing networks.

crusoe networking vpc-networks list

Update an existing VPC network

Non-default VPC networks can be updated in the CLI using the networking vpc-networks update <id> command. Currently, only the name of the non-default VPC network can be updated (using the --name flag).

Deleting a VPC network


Warning: deleting a VPC network is a permanant action that will require re-creation of the network to recover.

Non-default VPC Networks can be deleted in the CLI using the networking vpc-networks delete <id> command.

If you are having issues working with your VPC networks, please contact support.