CMK Add-ons
We support a growing set of add-ons and plugins that extend the functionality of CMK (and Kubernetes in general). These add-ons either help integrate CMK with native aspects of Crusoe Cloud, like storage or node lifecycle activities or add features relevant to AI workloads.
We support two methods of add-on installation:
- When provisioning a cluster, you can opt-in to installing a number of these add-ons
- At any point post provisioning a cluster, each add-on may be installed via Helm.
Most add-ons that interface with Crusoe Cloud APIs (like the Cloud Controller Manager and Container Storage Interface) require an API access / secret key to be present on the cluster and named CRUSOE_ACCESS_KEY
. By default, we create a managed secret for you during cluster provisioning titled cmk-{clusterName}
, that is compatible with all Crusoe-vended add-ons.
Supported Add-ons
Addon | Details | Links |
Cloud Controller Manager (CCM) | Installed on CMK clusters by default, the Crusoe CCM is responsible for synchronizing Crusoe Cloud VM state with the state of nodes within Kubernetes. Currently, CCM functionality is limited to cleaning up nodes within Kubernetes that have been deleted from a CMK node pool. | Github |
Container Storage Interface (CSI) | The Crusoe CSI allows workloads within the cluster to create and manage supported Crusoe disk types as PersistentVolumes. This currently includes our Persistent Disks and Shared Disks products. | Github |
Nvidia GPU Operator | Discovers and exposes Nvidia GPUs as allocatable resources associated with nodes. Currently supported as an opt-in add-on when provisioning a cluster, and may be installed by following the default configuration instructions in the documentation. | Nvidia Docs |
Nvidia Network Operator | Discovers and exposes Nvidia Host Channel Adapters (HCAs) as allocatable resources within nodes. Currently supported as an opt-in add-on when provisioning a cluster, and is applicable when attaching InfiniBand enabled instances as nodes to your cluster. You may also install the Network Operator by following the Vanilla Kubernetes installation instructions in the documentation. | Nvidia docs |
Cluster Autoscaler | Deploys a CMK-compatible cluster autoscaler into your cluster that will automatically scale your node pools in and out based on the number of pending pods in your cluster. Please note that autoscaler does not set default min-max limits for nodepools. Instructions to configure these limits both during provisioning, and when new nodepools are added to the cluster, are available at the linked Github repository. | Github |