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Manage your CMK Clusters

Creating a New Cluster

You can create clusters using the kubernetes clusters create command. Please use the -help flag for an exhaustive list of options.

crusoe kubernetes clusters create \
--name my-first-cluster \
--cluster-version 1.30 \
--location us-east1-a \
--subnet-id 6f8e2a1b-7b1d-4c8e-a9f2-8e3d6c1f2a0c
--add-ons "nvidia_gpu_operator,nvidia_network_operator,crusoe_csi"

You may list the Kubernetes versions available for cluster creation by using the 'kubernetes clusters list-versions' command. Specifying an unqualified version (e.g. 1.30) when creating a cluster will provision the latest stable patch version associated with the minor version.

Viewing Existing Clusters

Use the kubernetes clusters list command to list all existing clusters. You can also use the `kubernetes clusters get' command to retrieve details for a specific cluster.

crusoe kubernetes clusters get <name/id>

Get cluster credentials

Use the `kubernetes clusters get-credentials' command to retrieve credentials for a specific cluster.

crusoe kubernetes clusters get-credentials <name/id>

By default, credentials will be stored in a file named ~/.kube/config. You may alter the path credentials are stored at by using the --kubeconfig-path flag. If you have existing configs stored in the same path, the new cluster kubeconfig will be appended to the end and set as the current context.

Delete a cluster

Note that you must delete all nodepools in the cluster before deleting the cluster.

You can delete clusters by using the kubernetes clusters delete command and specifying either the name of ID of the cluster you want to delete.

crusoe kubernetes clusters delete <name/id>

If you are having issues creating or deleting clusters, please contact support.